Cloud Computing Application

  • Map-Reduce is traditional computation framework in big data processing.
  • This work use Map-Reduce framework in docker container to process the storm-event impact in the US.
  • I invested the data and display the storm-event evolution trend as the indicator to climate change.
  • On the other hand, the computation framework is also evaluated during the data processing.

Here is the storm-event evolution:

Below is the (b) CPU processing time and (c) framework processing time (CPU + Frame) in different input size. There exist extra overhead in map-reduce framework:


Membership Protocol and Key-value Store with C++

This job is to create membership protocal to the peers in the network and implement fault-tolerant Key-value store on top of this.

a) Membership Protocal:

  • In network, Membership protocol is to detect peer’s join, failure and leave with reliable accuracy.
  • Each peer received other’s status(list) and gossip their status(list) to all peers under the protocal. So the whole network will have the updating status communication.
  • It must be able to handle message losses and delay simultaneously and log the peer join, leave, failure status.

b) Fault-tolerant Key-value Store:

  • The peers in the network will construct a load-balancing hashing ring.
  • The peers network will implement a fault-tolerant Key-value(KV) store and sustain it by peer-to-peer(P2P) communication under the membership protocal. The KV record will be stored with 3 replica (in 3 peers).
  • KV store support Create, Remove, Update, Delete(CRUD) functions.
  • Read and Write are based on Quorum consistency to the 3 KV replicas.
  • The consitency is maintained and repaired by stabilization mechanism.

Here is protocol’s 3-layer stucture: Application, Peer-to-Peer and Emulated Network Layer.

Layer Job
Emulated Network Init peer/member’s address. Send and Receive message between peer with order. Shut down the network.
Application Run function to Peer start and join to network. Run application to impelment P2P membership protocal and KV store.
Peer-to-peer Define the membership protocal (methods) and gossip brocasting. Deploy the KV store


Below is the head file to the P2P layer major function declaration:

 * FILE NAME: MP2Node.h
 * DESCRIPTION: MP2Node class header file

#ifndef MP2NODE_H_
#define MP2NODE_H_

 * Header files
#include "stdincludes.h"
#include "EmulNet.h"
#include "Node.h"
#include "HashTable.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Params.h"
#include "Message.h"
#include "Queue.h"

 * DESCRIPTION: This class encapsulates all the key-value store functionality
 * 				including:
 * 				1) Ring
 * 				2) Stabilization Protocol
 * 				3) Server side CRUD APIs
 * 				4) Client side CRUD APIs

class MP2Node {
	// Vector holding the next two neighbors in the ring who have my replicas, from default
	vector<Node> hasMyReplicas;
	// Vector holding the previous two neighbors in the ring whose replicas I have, from default
	vector<Node> haveReplicasOf;
	// Ring, from default
	vector<Node> ring;
	// Hash Table, from default
	HashTable * ht;
	// Member representing this member, from default
	Member *memberNode;
	// Params object, from default
	Params *par;
	// Object of EmulNet, from default
	EmulNet * emulNet;
	// Object of Log, from default
	Log * log;
	// Transaction Id vector maintained by this node
	vector<int> transID;//
	// Map holding Transaction ID and corresponding value returned by certain READ operation (transaction ID)
	map<int, vector<string>> transId_Value;//
	// Transaction Pool holding Transaction ID and corresponding Operation for each transaction performed by Node
	map<int, string> transactionPool;//
	// Map holding Transaction ID and corresponding result for each Operation performed by transaction
	map<int, vector<bool>> transId_result;//

	MP2Node(Member *memberNode, Params *par, EmulNet *emulNet, Log *log, Address *addressOfMember);
	Member * getMemberNode() {
		return this->memberNode;

	// ring functionalities
	void updateRing();
	void updateNeighbor();
	vector<Node> getMembershipList();
	size_t hashFunction(string key);

	// client side CRUD APIs, from default
	void clientCreate(string key, string value);
	void clientRead(string key);
	void clientUpdate(string key, string value);
	void clientDelete(string key);

	// handle messages from receiving queue, from default
	void checkMessages();

	// coordinator dispatches messages to corresponding nodes, from default
	void dispatchMessages(Message *message);
	// Check read values and return if it has quorum
	string readValue(vector<string> readreplymsg);//

	// Find the addresses of nodes that are responsible for a key, called by Application.cpp, from default
	vector<Node> findNodes(string key);
	// Overloading findNodes: Find the neighbor of the given hashcode from localNodes
	vector<Node> findNodes(size_t pos, vector<Node> replicaNodes);//

	// Return element position from the given vector
	int nodePositionInVector(Node elementNode, vector<Node> nodeList);//
	// Whether element is present in the vector or not
	bool isElement(Node elementNode, vector<Node> nodeList);//
	// receive messages from Emulnet, from default
	bool recvLoop();
	static int enqueueWrapper(void *env, char *buff, int size);
	// server, from default
	bool createKeyValue(string key, string value, ReplicaType replica, int transID, Address selfAddr);
	string readKey(string key, int transID, Address selfAddr);
	bool updateKeyValue(string key, string value, ReplicaType replica, int transID, Address selfAddr);
	bool deletekey(string key, int transID, Address selfAddr);

	// stabilization protocol - handle multiple failures
	void stabilizationProtocol(vector<Node> memberList);  //vector<Node> memberList

	// Transaction ID 
	int getTransactionId(vector<int> transactionID);//


#endif /* MP2NODE_H_ */

Other Application

  • AWS EC2 implement
  • HBase
  • Storm